Debunking an imbecile...
January - 2 blogs. February - 5 blogs. March - 8 blogs. April - 3 blogs. May - 11 blogs. June - 41 blogs!Since I started this blog site, Mark has had a storm of bullshit! His little brain is working overtime to try and keep up. It's enough to drive any sane person into the nut house. This blog site has driven Mark to the brink of total meltdown! I challenge anyone to find that much repetition anywhere on the internet. Take a minute and go to the moron's blog site (click here). Has anybody ever seen the same arguments repeated so many times in the same place? It's like a broken record of lies and bullshit. If Mark ever had an original thought I think I'd pass out. The government paying itself repeated over and over and over. Cancer patients repeated over and over and over until an actual cancer patient finally writes in an tells Mark to knock it off, Mark says fuck off! Nursing home patients, over and over and over. The highest sales tax on earth repeated so many times he'd make the rain man puke. 41 times in just one month and counting! Mark also likes to screen comments. Why Mark? If you're so right, why do you even bother to screen comments? And do you have to respond to everyone? Can't a person just make a comment and let it go at that? He deletes the comments of anyone who makes him look too bad. Something that tickles me is the people who actually try to tell Mark about the FairTax. Bless their hearts, they mean well, but we're not dealing with a normal human being here. That just sends Mark back into another ranting tirade of repetitive bullshit and conspiracy theories. I'd love to see Mark try to defend himself in court with the same bullshit that he spews here. They'd put him under the jail... after a psychological evaluation. Mark says he retired early from a government job. Could you imagine working with a moron like that? Stay tuned, more to come!
"Mark, I'm a cancer patient. I have advanced lymphoma. Please don't speak for me. I support the FairTax. My medical insurance has paid my bills on time and in full to date. I'm quite certain that they will continue to pay for my treatment, tax included, when FairTax passes. So please leave us cancer patients out of your arguments. We don't want or need you speaking for us. I'm proud to pay my fair share and that's what FairTax is all about."Now this has been one of Mark's favorite arguments. Mark says that cancer patients will scream for exemptions. Well, one cancer patient has asked Mark to knock it off. This was Mark's response:
"Anon, sorry for your health issue, and pray for your complete and speedy recovery.A dying person has asked Mark to stop speaking for cancer patients and Mark the same as says fuck off! So much for his caring concern for cancer patients!
How do you know your insurance company will pay your taxes -the worlds highest tax will be added to your medical bills, if FT ever passed (Which is impossible, people wont agree to this tax)
So you think your Insurance company will pay it? What makes you think that?
And Fairtax assumes it will get 500 billion -- half a trillion dollars, 1.5 of the national budget -- from the taxes on health care.
Do you think insurance companies are going to pay half a trillion dollars in taxes?
Why don't you call them and ask.
Half a trillion here, half a trillion there, and pretty soon, you are talkinga bout a lot of money.
So let say your insurance company pays all the sales taxes for everyone. All the insurance companies do.
Where do you suppose they will get this half a trillion dollars?
YOu suppose they will just take it from the profits on Katrina?
You suppose they will just go to Vegas and win it against Thurmon Brunson in Texas Hold em?
YOU suppose they will win every lottery for the next 100 years?
Where do you suppose they will get half a trillion dollars every year to pay the sales tax on all these medical cost?
Now Fairtax has an idea. They say you can't really tax corporations, cause they pass it on.
You think maybe, just maybe, if insurance companies had to pay the highest sales tax on earth, on your medical, they would, oh, i don't know, pass the cost on?
Or would they go broke, be out of business in a month, and sell AmWay?"
"Under the proposed national sales tax rate of 30 percent at the cash register, consumers would simply stop spending on anything but the barest necessities for a prolonged period of time," Pfister said. (Whoever Phister is).But here's where it gets screwy. Again, I'm sure Mark does this on purpose. He puts this link in, which says nothing about the FairTax... nothing: (click here). Since Mark takes everything he reads at face value and doesn't possess the brain power to think beyond what he reads, let's look at what this Phister guy talks about. He says:
"This would have a ripple effect throughout the economy with an impact far beyond the retail industry. Even at lower rates, the psychological effect on consumer spending would be profound."
"Under the proposed national sales tax rate of 30 percent at the cash register, consumers would simply stop spending on anything but the barest necessities for a prolonged period of time."What Phister considers a prolonged period of time is a mystery, and why would consumers stop spending on anything but the barest necessities? Hmmm, do you suppose that for the first time in their lives, they're able to save some money or invest for their future? Mark doesn't mention that. Nor does Mr. Phister. And again, he goes on to say:
"This would have a ripple effect throughout the economy with an impact far beyond the retail industry. Even at lower rates, the psychological effect on consumer spending would be profound."Hmmm, you know, he's probably right on this one. Once people find out that they actually get to bring home what they earn and spending less means saving and investing for their future more. It certainly will have a profound effect on the economy. All those businesses and industries coming back to the U.S. That 17 trillion dollars in off-shore tax havens coming back into the economy certainly will have a profound effect. All those new jobs opening up... yep, profound! Thank you for again misquoting Mark! And thanks for only seeing these articles at face value! Keep up the good work Mark!
"Someone asked if we -- okay I -- can defend the current system.So, with that said, why does he still rant? If he admits that the FairTax is the best alternative we have, why doesn't he suggest how he would tweak it to make it work? What would he change that would make it ok in his eyes? Why the constant lies, misquotes, rants and disinformation? Why does he say it's a farce (his favorite word, by-the-way)? Why does he accuse Boortz and Linder of spreading this "farce"? Why Mark?
Hell no the current system sucks -- its as bad as Fairtax said it was. Worse.
I have said many times that even though Fairtax is a farce -- and completely bogus -- I would vote to pass it, if that were the only way we can get rid of the mess we have now."
"Now, let's elaborate on the "keep 100% of your paycheck" line that appears in The FairTax Book. It is certainly true that after the FairTax becomes law there will be no more withholding from your paycheck for any federal taxes. What you earn is what you get. This is not to say that your gross pay will equal what it was before the FairTax. This will depend on what your employer does when the embedded costs represented by the tax burden you have passed on to your employer disappear. One thing is certain: You will suffer no decrease in real or net earnings - the amount of each paycheck you deposit into your bank account every other week. The "keep 100% of your paycheck" concept can more easily be applied to those who either change jobs or come into the labor force after the implementation of the FairTax. A new worker will negotiate a wage with an employer knowing that the amount negotiated will be the amount that worker receives every two weeks ... no deductions. Likewise, when you change employers you, too, will negotiate a wage that will not be subject to withholding, and you will get 100% of your wages in each paycheck."This is the part of the article that Mark is referring to. Why doesn't Mark provide a link to the article? Because he knows you'll see the truth... you'll know he's lying! The original article is much larger, but Mark only jumps on what he thinks he can pass off as fact, but by now, we know different. Here's a link to the entire article... click here. So, does Boortz admit that you don't bring home 100% of your paycheck? Absolutely not. Actually, he confirms it! So, if you contracted with your employer for $50,000.00 per year, you bring home $50,000.00!
"We've established that FT would be the world's highest sales tax. By far.
And we have established that FT would apply to all medical costs -- every surgery, office visit, lab test, second opinioin, pill, Xray, Cat Scan, urine test, knee transplant, nursing home bill, dental visit, boob job, pap smear, birth, everything would pay that high sales tax on every penny.
There are no exceptions -- even if you are dirt poor, even if you die -- you will owe the sales tax on the medical cost that was spent trying to keep you alive.
Even the government would have to pay the world's highest sales tax on medical payments it makes -- for example, for wounded soldiers.
In fact, they OUGHT to call it the worlds highest sales tax.
Someone wrote to this blog and said he wouldnt care about the highest sales tax on earth - on his medical cost. He has insurance!!
Ahhhh -- brilliant. Brilliant. You have insurance.
Fairtax fans see no problem with this. Not only insurance will pay it --they argue that there arent that many people so affected -- so what does it matter?
But the point in this blog entry is -- will insurance pay it?
Well no. They won't.
Remember when Fairtax told you - about 1,000 times -- that corporations don't pay taxes? That only PEOPLE pay taxes?
Corporations dont pay taxes - remember?
SO how can corporation pay this tax -- insurance compaines are corporations.
How do they think insurance companies will pay this tax?
Do you think they will pass the cost along?"
"We've established that FT would be the world's highest sales tax. By far."Well, maybe. But here's what Mark's little brain won't hold on to... It's the ONLY tax liability we'd have. Mark says:
"And we have established that FT would apply to all medical costs -- every surgery, office visit, lab test, second opinioin [sic], pill, Xray, Cat Scan, urine test, knee transplant, nursing home bill, dental visit, boob job, pap smear, birth, everything would pay that high sales tax on every penny."Notice how Mark squeezed nursing homes in there? Nursing homes are one of Mark's pet subjects. Which makes me wonder... does he live in one? OK Mark, yes there may be a tax on medical care... maybe. Mark says:
"Someone wrote to this blog and said he wouldnt care about the highest sales tax on earth - on his medical cost. He has insurance!!Yes, and? If I'm paying premiums to a health insurance company, exactly what service can I expect from them Mark? Aren't they supposed to pay my medical bills or buy me an ice cream cone? But Mark gets even weirder! Mark says:
Ahhhh -- brilliant. Brilliant. You have insurance."
"Not only insurance will pay it --they argue that there arent that many people so affected -- so what does it matter?"The stupid little fuck takes everything out of context. Mark is referring to how I debunked his cancer patients rant. You know, Mark likes to rant about how cancer patients will demand and receive exemptions to the FairTax? I proved to Mark how cancer patients only make up about 3% of the total population and it's doubtful such a small segment would get an exemption. Now he tries to turn that against me. Nice try Mark, but no cigar for lying and twisting the truth! But wait! Mark isn't finished being insane yet! Here's the last part of his blog... Mark says:
"But the point in this blog entry is -- will insurance pay it?Are we laughing hard enough yet? In Mark's sick mind he figures that since corporations don't pay taxes, your health insurance isn't going to pay your medical bills because there are taxes included! Actually, Mark says you'll get 10 (that's ten) separate bills from the hospital! Stop laughing, he said that! Who knows what goes on in the mind of a mentally ill child molester?
Well no. They won't.
Remember when Fairtax told you - about 1,000 times -- that corporations don't pay taxes? That only PEOPLE pay taxes?
Corporations dont pay taxes - remember?
SO how can corporation pay this tax -- insurance compaines are corporations.
How do they think insurance companies will pay this tax?
Do you think they will pass the cost along?"
"Now, supposedly under Fairtax -- the price of the 1 dollar bread will go down to 78 cents.
Thats because -- according to Fairtax -- there is 22% embedded taxes that the business will save.
Nonsense. The taxes embedded and saved by the business would be substantial -- sure -- but nothing like 22 cent on that loaf. Try 6-8 cents."
"Of 300 million Americans, almost 100 million will get some kind of cancer in their life. Not 2%, try 33%."Oh really Mark? People must be dropping like flies on your planet! That's pandemic proportions! One in every three people will get cancer? Gosh, there must be so many cancer clinics in this country, I should be able to toss a rock out the window and hit one.