Why do I do this? Well, I guess what I really like is the design aspect. Putting together a nice looking, readable, well designed blog. It's come a long way since I started it. I do it because I believe that the single greatest thing that could happen to this country is the passage of the FairTax (HR25). It's a no-brainer to me. The disadvantages of our current system are too numerous to list here. The advantages of the FairTax are just too great to ignore. A simple, fair system that sets us free. Support has grown to over 800,000 registered volunteer supporters and growing. 83 cosponsors in congress up from 72 just two months ago and growing. The FairTax is one of the largest grassroots movements in the history of our country. Some of this country's most important changes have come as a result of grassroots movements. The FairTax eliminates volumes of tax code and replaces it with a 133 page tax code. There's a 64 page plain English version also. Is the FairTax perfect? No, I don't think any system of taxation is perfect. The FairTax is the best chance we have to get rid of the cluster fuck we have now. There will be those who disagree. But there are those who make it their career to disagree. It never fails. Every time something good comes along, somebody will come along and disagree just to disagree. Does Mark bother me? Not really. Mark is one of those who disagree with anything and everything. He wants to be thought of as smart, but he comes off more as an imbecile than anything else. He's scared. The FairTax has gathered so much support it sends him into ranting tirades, repeating the same things over and over. I don't really need to debunk Mark. Mark debunks himself.
*ATTENTION* Mark has deleted 7 of his blogs. I guess to keep from making himself look like he's having a meltdown. No biggie, huh Mark? They all say the same thing anyway! Same old tired rantings.
Well said!
I visited Mark's site... man, you are right on the money! That guy is way out yonder!
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