Well, Mark had a little difficulty trying to figure out how to embed a video into his blog. I'm baffled to see why something so simple would be such a problem for Mark. He finally got it to work. I wonder who told him how to do it. The video that Mark embedded is one of Neal Boortz and congressman John Linder explaining the FairTax to Sean Hannity on Fox News. I have that video in my video feeds. Rarely does a person see such a simple, easy to understand explanation. My ten year old neighbor, a sweet girl, but no honor student, read the book and now is able to explain how the FairTax works like a pro. But the question still bothers me. Why would Mark post a video that actually proves himself wrong? Why would Mark post links, which he rarely does, that would prove himself wrong? Why does Mark quote parts of the book that actually proves himself wrong? Why does Mark take things that totally tear his arguments apart and post them in his blog, then come back and talk about how they prove him correct? Why does 99.9% of all people who watch the video's, read the links, read the book and understand it while Mark doesn't? I can't count the number of people who have taken the time to explain to Mark how he misses it. But if you explain one thing to Mark, he loses what you explained to him five minutes ago. Is it intentional? Does he do this on purpose? I've tried to figure it out, but I keep coming back to the same opinion. Mark has an issue. Mark defies simple logic, bordering on insanity. He's either been injured in an accident or suffers from some genetic abnormality that has effected how his brain processes information. How else would you explain the rantings, the repetition, the misquotes, the lies? I challenge anyone to watch the Boortz and Linder video that Mark has on his blog, and show me anywhere where Boortz, Linder, Sean Hannity or the lady in the video contradict themselves as Mark says they do. Mark's brain seems to work in one dimension. Throw anything at him where you have to put any two ideas or concepts together and he goes even further off the deep end. So, what is Mark's problem? Is he an imbecile? Is he a moron? I don't think anyone could arrive at any different opinion after reading his blogs. I can't see his family allowing him to live and function on his own. Who knows what goes on in the mind of a person like Mark?
Poor Mark. His cheese has slid off his cracker. He is a bit on the schizophrenic side.
I see what you mean about him changing posts and not posting comments. I have posted a few that have disemboweled him only to have them get lost in blog land somewhere.
He's having a melt-down. posting blogs almost faster than the server can update them. He's scared or something. It seemed to start when I started this blog site. There's been an explosion of insanity.
Good for people to know.
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