Mark is a real prize! Not only is he deleting blogs in wholesale fashion, he's now deleting comments and rewriting his own! I asked Mark why he was deleting people's comments. His explanation is that he was just getting rid of "old stuff". Conveniently, the "old stuff" just happens to be the stuff that proves him wrong. Now Mark returns to one of his favorite activities, besides spewing insanity, he's now writing his own comments! I guess someone has to agree with the imbecile, might as well be himself! Way to go moron! Think nobody can tell?
He deleted mine! He also used some of the items I pointed out twisting my words. Not that the twisting hurts us, but it does kinda annoy me.
Unfortunately I pointed out to him that new threads score 'Google Alert' hits whereas replies don't.
The best thing we can all do is to start Flagging his blog, and keep flagging it.
The system will eventually stop scanning him for inclusion on the Google Alerts, and he'll fade away.
BTW, this is now that same as freedom of speech, that's an issue for the government! This is about shouting down a lunatic, a raving idiot. He's free to speak as he wishes, we're free to shout him down or use the mechanism to drown him out.
ctyankee, I agree. He isn't a real problem, just annoying the way he lies, twists and misquotes even the articles that prove he's wrong. The only thing I can figure is he does it on purpose to build strength of support for the FairTax. He's really using the reverse psychology route. :) I don't mind people disagreeing with FairTax. Not one of them agrees with the other anyway. They all have some type of crack-pot theory why it won't work and none of them are viable.
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