His days, his life is consumed with this obsession. Deleting the comments of anyone who makes him look bad... which isn't hard to do. A half inch from being committed to an institution, Mark just can't understand that he's the only one that sees this... Mark says:
"They do in fact plan on cutting the wages of all workers 30% -- Boortz and Linder admitted that's the only way for their math to work out. Its not part of HR25 - which makes it MORE absurd -- they just hope American workers will take a 30% cut in pay. Read Boortz own admission of this fact: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1485008/posts"
"Fairtax pretends it can collect 800 billion dollars in -- FROM the federal governmnent. And another 800 billion dollars a year -- from a tax on state and local governments.
"Fairtax defender David G. Tuerck, Phd and math wizard, is even defending this absurdity of taxing the government. Tuerck admits the government paying itself is "a wash" but then idiotically asks "Whats the problem with that"?"A PhD in economics and a Nobel Laureate says it's a wash, but that isn't good enough for Mark! So Mark, have you figured it out yet? Everybody that reads the FairTax book, understands what Neal Boortz is talking about when he says that the federal government will be a major taxpayer... everybody but one brain-dead imbecile. Duh. Mark, maybe now, just maybe, you might not understand it? Just a thought... but maybe you're wrong? Boy, doesn't that make you feel like an ass when you rant and yell, then later you find out you've been wrong all along? In some of his more "sober" moments, Mark has even admitted that we should support the FairTax because it's the only viable alternative to the current system. Yes, he said that. So why does he continue to rant? It's his sick mind that propels him.
The main reason the Fair Tax collects tax from gov't is so that gov't has no advantage over free enterprise.
Send your 8 Postcards.
Try telling that to Mark. He just can't seem to get it through his pointed head.
Mark really went off on a tear after my comment to him titled "Critical Thought"
What he fails to understand completely (yes, everything, I know...) is that gov't spending is unlike private spending, in that it has a Money Multiplier of 1.0 -- Private spending has a MM that's several times higher (based on the banking reserve ratio). I'm sure Prof Tuerck can explain it better, but I feel my minor in economics qualifies me to speak rationally on the topic.
But what does it matter? Mark doesn't listen to rational arguments, and despite his rant on critical thought, demonstrated he's incapable of applying it.
The Light is Green!
I don't think I've ever wanted to slap a person as much as I'd like to slap Mark. His stupidity continues to rise to ever higher levels. I wonder how he functions in day to day life. Does he have someone looking after him? He's got to be a hair from being institutionalized.
RE: Marks 20 questions...
I wonder it he'll allow the post?
#1 -- WalMart supports the FairTax.
There are a number of reasons why.
The best one I can think of is because they will make $$$ (profit) when it's adopted.
#1 - CitiBank supports the FairTax.
They want to supply free accounts and debit/credit cards to every US citizen that'll receive the prebate.
Some of those cards will even get used at WalMart.
#1 - US Homes supports the FairTax.
Because even though 'used' homes will be tax exempt, no one is building any more 'used' homes... All the new homes being built will remain on equal footing, and fewer bad loans will be written!
I could go on and on...
cc: Absurdity Of Absurdity
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