Are you wondering what Mark's deal is? Do you read Mark's blogs with bewilderment? Do you shake your head and say "Wow! This guy is really flipped out"? Do you wonder why Mark continues to rant about the same things over and over? Well, it's all about getting attention. Mark lives alone. He has no friends. His family doesn't want too much to do with him (would you?). The only people Mark gets to see all day is when Meals-On-Wheels deilvers his food. His whole day revolves around an absurd blog site. His blogs and comments seem to get wilder and more insane with every word he types. Mark knows about the FairTax. He probably knows it better than most people. I commented to one of Mark's posts asking him why he spent so much time blogging about something that he says is a dead issue. Mark came back with one of the more sane replies that he's ever had. Mark said that the FairTax is the best tax reform bill that has ever been before congress. He went on to say that although there were some problems he had with the FairTax, he admitted that it was our best chance for tax reform and economic recovery. No doubt he's deleted that comment as he does any comment that makes him look bad. Is Mark insane? Without doubt. There is no way that a sane individual would say the things he does. So why does he do it? It's all about getting attention. It's all about making the wildest, most insane comments that he can. It's all about getting people mad enough to comment. The more comments he gets, the more attention he gets and that gives him something to do with his time. At least it keeps him from molesting children.
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