Mark hates the FairTax so badly that he'll create a blog site so he can rant, lie, twist, misquote and spread disinformation about it. His rantings are posted all over every FairTax blog on the internet. He probably visits and rants on as many FairTax blogs as he does kiddie porn sites. He has more FairTax lies than he has pairs of little boy's underpants. Anybody that visits his blog site can see how he changes his posts every time someone makes a comment. This time he slips up and admits that the FairTax is the only way to go. I'm sure once he reads this, he'll go back and take this out, but here it is, directly quoted from his blog:
"Someone asked if we -- okay I -- can defend the current system.
Hell no the current system sucks -- its as bad as Fairtax said it was. Worse.
I have said many times that even though Fairtax is a farce -- and completely bogus -- I would vote to pass it, if that were the only way we can get rid of the mess we have now."
So, with that said, why does he still rant? If he admits that the FairTax is the best alternative we have, why doesn't he suggest how he would tweak it to make it work? What would he change that would make it ok in his eyes? Why the constant lies, misquotes, rants and disinformation? Why does he say it's a farce (his favorite word, by-the-way)? Why does he accuse Boortz and Linder of spreading this "farce"? Why Mark?
A response to Mark's post titled:
I don't get it. I realize we all have to pay for our national defense, for example. But why do the parents of a child born with expensive health problems pay far more in taxes -- 100 times more even -- than someone who happened to have a healthy child?
Because we're not a Socialist nation! (well in theory at least)
[sarcasm]Why do they have to pay any more? [/sarcasm] Come on...
[quote]How would prices FALL?[/quote]
Competition. If the cost of doing business drop, some smart businessman will seize that opportunity to grab market share with lower prices.
Are you so naive that you think Wal*Mart cuts prices to benefit the customer? They cut prices to gain from the economy of scale! The reality is that the customer has the option to pay a lower price... The customer can still shop at the local mom-n-pop paying 2x, 3x, or more...
Even neighborhood kids on opposite sides of the street can figure this out. If the eastbound kids sell lemonade for $1/cup the westbound kids will follow suit. If the westbound kids want to play whiffle ball now and have a 50 cent sale to dump the inventory the eastbound kids will either have to drop the price or not sell a single cup until the westbound kids are gone for the day.
Do you get it yet?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Sorry to nitpick...
The color scheme really is hard on the eyes. At least it's not garish like Mark's texas-chainsaw-massacre mess.
There, I hope that's better. It was pretty, but it was a bit hard on the eyes.
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